Friday, July 29, 2016

WEEK TWO - 29 JULY 2016

TGIF?  Well, sure, we do understand! So we will keep it light and easy.  After all, we did say a mouthful yesterday.  Here we go with the happenings for Friday, the 29th July 2016! 

Based on our estimate of time, that the children would need to cook a nutritious and wholesome meal for themselves, we did not plan too much for this morning save for the cookery project and, putting the finishing touches to our jewellery collection and objets d’art that were made from ‘salt dough’!

So, as soon as we assembled the ‘Slammers’ out came the dhal that had been soaked overnight and with it, the other ingredients for the grand repas! The children had already been presented with flour and salt (through the salt-dough moulding project), so we went on to introduce garlic, onion (speaking about bulbs), coconut milk (its origin, and usefulness and how the coconut palm offers us nutrition to shelter (covering the botany angle).  Then, the contributions from dairy – ghee (clarified butter) and yoghurt.  As always we included media to explain, e.g. how yoghurt is made commercially and used our classroom approach, to provide as much salient information as available.  We have to say, albeit the age differences in our group, the younger children do listen to all that is presented, with rapt attention!

Now hang on, we were short of something to achieve ‘mise en place’ .  Chefs help!  Oh yeah, perhaps the disputed king of South Asian aromatics, the famed curry leafLo and behold, there grows a healthy plant in our garden (well, seemingly so, despite the constant fumes from good old Mountbatten Road!), offering plenty of leaves for our purpose.  The children were shown to pluck the leaves and they did just that.  Then we rolled a leaf in our palms to inhale the unique fragrance that exudes from crushed curry leaves.  Mmmm makes us hungry, just writing about that experience.  Very few will resist the irresistible aroma of curry leaves being tormented by hot cooking oil.  Go on, give it a shot if you have not experienced this!  We also spoke about the health benefits that the curry leaf offers.  You may find this link useful;  That done, it was back to our activity area to begin preparing the meal. 

Here are the stages for making the flat bread (sort of a deviation from the traditional Naan)
Adding, water to flour, followed by ghee and yoghurt to the mixture.
Next, mixing dough with a spoon and shaping by hand.
Finally, rolling out the dough with a rolling pin and presenting to the adult for cooking

Making dhal:
Adding pre-soaked dhal to water and bring to boil.  
Adding salt, turmeric and curry leaves to the dhal.
In a separate pan, heat some oil, add garlic and onions; fry until fragrant
Add to fried items to the dhal mixture
Stir, add coconut milk and simmer for a while

Having thirds!
Lunchtime was almost eerie, well we say this for lack of a better word to describe to you, the silent eating that went on without the usual banter!  The children loved the food with no exception and whacked all of it, even going for ‘thirds’!  It was a gratifying experience for us!  We were not entirely sure if everyone would like the aromatics and flavours that we used in the dhal but they did! 

Commerce:  we are pleased to announce the opening (and closing) of the ‘Wham Bam Naan Shop’ at 11 Broadrick Road.  No kidding – the children made a board that told the name of the shop and then canvassed business with whoever wanted to place an order.  Coincidentally, we were scanning Uber eats at that time!   Sales pitch was made and the order taken down with $5/= demanded (sort of pricey!) for an unrestricted portion!  Out went what we were browsing and up came our hands exclaiming, “me”, “me” “me”!  Service was made to our desktops with a flourish!  The ‘naan’ was superb despite being made without a ‘Tandoori oven’ and the dhal just delicious.  We have some seriously talented cooks within our Summer Slam group!  Well done, children!  Yummy meal concluded, it was time to stretch out and allow the belly to ‘normalize’.

Today, as our Friday treat, we watched ‘Mine-O-Saur’ a media clip about sharing!  Some dozed some didn’t! 

After what we thought was sufficient for the heavy meal to digest, we began to prepare for an active end to a very enjoyable week with a ‘Hip Hop’ session presented by the dance master, ‘Suhairi’!   To ‘Worth it' by Fifth Harmony; we did some moves that were certainly, worth it – in terms of learning the dance steps and burning off the lunch!  An impromptu performance came about as some children danced for their friends.  It didn't take too long for the rotation to begin - performer became the spectators and vice versa! We all had a good time and the day ended on a high note.

We hope that the salt dough mouldings the children brought home today, thrilled you!  Here’s an invitation – please take a photograph of you and your child wearing his/her creation, showing the ‘bling’ sides as much as possible, matching that with what you have, and send us the picture.  We will post it on our FB page with pleasure!

Have a safe and fabulous weekend everyone, thanks for enrolling your child in Week Two of our Summer Slam!  We hope they had a grand time and experienced much!  For more photos, you can visit our gallery through this link.

Week Three begins on Monday, 1 August 2016.

Rumeshi & Yan Mei
With May & Dennis

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