Tuesday, July 19, 2016

WEEK ONE - 19 JULY 2016


Crabs of Oranges and Cherry Tomatoes!
The highlights of this morning (well we had three planned but more of that later..), were the ‘Dress-Up’ corner and the creation of the pictured 'crabs'!  

There were costumes of a ‘Firefighter’, ‘Police Officer’, ‘Soldier’ and an ‘Astronaut’!  We plan to add more as we go along.  A ‘Firefighter’ asked, what’s the axe for?  That paved the way to an explanation about fire and how it is fought.
We welcome contributions to our 'Dress-Up' corner.  Admittedly we are lacking a bit with girl-like choices, but we’ll soon fix that!  The corner will extend to unrehearsed, role-playing in the coming week when we will be encouraging children to enact a skit, based on what they are wearing. Then, to integrate their roles with others, to create a performance.  Hopefully we can put out a video from a ‘performance’, soon. 

Sadly, our attempt to make ‘Salt Dough’ did not produce the material that we needed to get on with our sculpting.  So, back to the ‘laboratory’ to cook up, literally, batches of the dough, to ensure a mix that will yield pliable and ‘sculpt-able’ dough.  The rest, has to remain a mystery until you see what’s coming home!

Celery Stick Fish Art
Some children pressed on with the ‘dot painting’ of t-shirts and we are looking good for delivery by Friday!  Other activities done included making a 2-D image of a fish using a celery stick as a ‘stamp’ to depict the scales.  The Mandarin session presented a rhyme and a song about fruits.  

Lunch today, included carrot sticks that we provided!   Yum!  Yan Mei made a presentation about fruits and their nutritional value, during her Mandarin session that was completed shortly before lunch.  The ‘food craft’ for the day, was a ‘crab orange with cherry tomatoes’!  Sound haute cuisine does it not?


Today, the lie-down was perked-up with board games and even Twister.  Have you tried the classic ‘Twister’?  It takes some doing alright!  What we introduced was a version of ‘Twister’ -  ‘Pizza Twister’.  Much fun and fits of laughter!  Children also read books and played other board games like ‘Snakes and Ladders’and, made jewellery.

Hear Ye!  Tomorrow is Bingo Day! Join us if you can for a spot of fun during your lunch break!  Admission will require you to sing the children’s favourite - B-I-N-G-O!

Cricket, glorious cricket!  More of the same, reinforcing what we presented yesterday and tomorrow will be taking things a notch higher.  Wait for the blog!

Here is the link to our gallery of today’s activities.  Do enjoy them and feel free to download and share, what you like! 

Rumeshi and Yan Mai together with May, Sathish and Dennis