Friday, July 22, 2016

WEEK ONE - 22 JULY 2016



Friday and here we go - treat time!  Nah, not this early!  Well, do read on.

The morning began with the usual pleasantries, health checks and the lot, and then, a quick media introduction to ‘Hip Hop’ until the teachers were ready for the cookery project we had planned.

Pizza, made from scratch (well nearly we must add, we could not find a garden to pick the tomatoes)!  It all began with an introduction to the ingredients – flour, cheese, etc., their origin, the state of raw material and sources (using our geography materials as much as possible).  Then it was about the processing the raw material and the ensuing product, e.g. salt.  Lastly, going through the recipe for pizza dough!  The stage was set for the fun to begin – and away they went mixing, kneading, pulling, pushing (not themselves of course) but the pizza dough. Many sound bites, much excitement and a whole lot of energy that seem reflected in the end product - pizza!  The dough was graced with tomato sauce and shredded cheese.  Off they went for baking after that!  (The children did not participate in this process.)  Given that pizza-making from scratch requires close attention by the adults, some created art, using paper that they cut, then gluing a parachute shaped collage, as they awaited a turn to make their pizza.  'Yum tum, here it comes'... well not entirely, the pizzas were saved for tea as everyone had brought lunch.

Lunch with chit-chat, with much interaction and quite the usual.  Soon, it was time for the narration and rest.  

AFTERNOON:  Today, Aunty May read about artists.  Included were Vincent Van Gogh - his artwork: 'bold brush strokes, bold bright colours'.  The children saw pictures of the famed 'Sunflowers’, ‘Irises'', the 'Potato Eaters', Van Goh's self-portraits, a picture of an 'Old Pair of Boots', to mention some.  She explained that he only sold one painting during his prime and was not very well off.  Next, May presented Pablo Picasso. 'Cubism' was illustrated with examples and a picture of a painting from 'real life' was shown to the children.  Leonardo da Vince and the eternal 'Mona Lisa' and Michelangelo’s painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, were also shown at that time.  For next week, we received a request for a story about the person who invented Television!  We shall do our best, Johan!

Rested and refreshed, the children used their iPads to respond to challenging 'tanagrams' from the 'Shape Arts' app.  Also going on at this time, some enterprising construction with 'Lego' and weaving, using paper (please see photo).  All in all, a busy day with lots of activity, 

The pizza, baked in the morning, was ready to be enjoyed at snack time.  Plenty of carbs were needed as the day was to end with some heavy duty 'Hip Hop'!  Comment: (Alisa -  verbatim) "this pizza is yummier than the pizza which I ate yesterday!"  (Food for thought here, why not a pizzeria, by MFC?)

The 'Hip Hop' session happened.  Children learnt the moves and then 'hipped' and 'hopped' (whatever that means) to Jessie J's 'Price Tag'.

Ain't about the (uh) ch-ch-ching ch-ching
Ain't about the (yeah) bl-bling-bl-bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the price tag (OK)" 

How must we say it - 'cool', and that it was!

The 'dot-painted' t-shirts were sent with your child.  We trust you will appreciate the handiwork from your child's hands and the children will wear them proudly!

We hope that your child enjoyed the first week of our Summer Slam 2016 as much as we did!  We delighted in having him/her with us.  Please feel free to ask for continued attendance (Week 2: 25-29 July & Week 3: 1-5 August. 2016). 

Have a safe and happy weekend, bon voyage to our ITG/cricket coach, as he goes away to visit his family and the Montessori families who will be travelling.  Looking forward to next week!  Here's a hint - It’s going to be a 'rucking', 'tuck-in' week for sure! 

Gallery (please click on this)

Rumeshi & Yan Mei together with, May, Dennis and Sathish (from the airport!)

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