Wednesday, August 3, 2016


We are at Week Three, Day Three of our Summer Slam 2016 programme and the children continued having a great time.  The day started a little rainy, though it cleared up soon to be pleasant and mild.

For a fun start to the day, we played a game which tested our stereognostic sense.  With blindfolds on, the children felt for objects in a box.  The goal is to name the objects before taking off their blindfolds. Needless to say, everyone had a great time and, we achieved our goal.

Next, Suhairi, our 'disco dance master' came for a session of energetic disco dancing to Earth, Wind and Fire's 'Boogie Wonderland'.  With an arm roll to the right and then to the left, and a tap of the toes to the rear, right hand up and then left hand up - the children kept up with the movements and had a blast!

After the cooling down exercises, it was time for a snack and refreshment.

We conducted a science experiment this morning - "How does water move up a plant?" (Biology) We first explained the process of capillary action through media.  With some food colouring and some white flowers, we showed that the coloured water moves up the stem of flowers causing the petals to change colours.  We left the flowers to absorb the coloured solution overnight, and the children will be able to see the full effect tomorrow morning.

Lunch followed, and Aunty May was back, with a book about the history of cars.  We spoke about Italian Leonardo da Vinci's plans for a vehicle that could be driven by clockwork, drawn up in the 1400s, a wind-powered tricycle, the steam passenger coach designed by Sir Goldsworthy Gurney in the 1700s and the first racing cars. The book was a little too lengthy for one sitting so that we will continue it later.

It was quiet time after that, some children rested, while others play board games.

Then it was onto our food project, and the children made their snacks - fruit kebabs. Rumeshi introduced fruit from a nutritional perspective.  The children made up kebabs, choosing their desired fruits - apples, kiwis, strawberries, mandarin oranges, all prepared by their hands; from cutting the apples and kiwi fruits to peeling the oranges.

Basketball - Our sports for the week and the children had their second session of physical activity for the day.  Dennis provided a recap of the positions and scoring system.  He went on to present the rules of playing basketball, what a foul is and the different ways of shooting the ball into the basket.  We ended the day with the children taking turns to shoot the basketball at the hoop!

We will be bringing you more tomorrow, and as always visit our gallery for more photographs of today's activities, it is a good evening to everyone.

Rumeshi & Yan Mei
With May and Dennis

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